Meet Our Past Clients
Wrote Merlin’s first business plan and assisted with safety management, product tracking and shipping, and have been on retainer for approximately three decades, assisting as needed as Merlin continues to expand and grow. Extensive involvement in policy initiatives, proposals and addressing challenges as they arise.
The Islands Community Stability Imitative (ICSI) involved the two Haida Nation communities of Old Massett and Skidegate and four non-Indigenous communities of Sandspit, Queen Charlotte City, Port Clements and Masset. The intent was to come to an agreement among the communities about setting aside land management areas for the Haida, establishing a more sustainable economy and increasing the level of control and decision making on the island for the communities.
In 1995, based on my research on community forestry and experience working with Indigenous communities, I was invited by the Gowgaia Institute to fly up Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands) to carry out six Community Forestry Seminars and a workshop on Community forestry. Two seminars were carried out on Old Massett and Skidegate Reserves, and the workshop was carried out on the Skidegate Reserve.
In 1996, I was invited by the Gowgaia Institute to return again and was retained for three months to assist in ICSI, where I supported the negotiations table, undertook policy research and advisory work, and wrote articles that were published about land and resource management and planning and the challenges to achieve socioeconomic sustainability for the archipelago.
The ISCI declaration was signed off on by the six communities in March of 1996 and I returned to Thompson Nicola Region shortly after that to take on the role of Forest Renewal BC (FRBC) Tribal
Eshknam Cultural Resources Management Services (ECRMS)
Brought in to maintain, grow or shutdown ECRMS after it hit a rough stretch. Served as General Manager of the business as well as the Bare Trust that held it. I significantly turned around the business, and obtained clean audits for all six years he was involved. Significant consultation and engagement with the four Indigenous communities who own the business, multiple Traditional Use Studies for major projects, ongoing consultation for pipelines, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, BC Hydro, Telus, Mining and Forestry.
Government of British Columbia
Retained to undertake a review of the Crown Tenuring Process.
Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd.
Retained by Weyerhaeuser Canada and Five Indigenous Bands to implement a Cooperative Working Agreement that they had all signed two years previously, but not been implemented. Wages paid by Weyerhaeuser, expenses by First Nations.
Yukon Conservation Society
Retained to undertake a forest policy review.
David Suzuki Foundation
Retained to undertake a forest policy review.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) / International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Hired by WWF and IUCN to explore the elements, strategy and potential supporters for the proposed Global Accord for Forestry Action (GAFA) Program. Multi-month contract with multiple trips to Europe.
Canadian Wetlands Roundtable
Retained to undertake a review of the Best Management Practices for Wetlands for all of Canada.